Thigh Lift Beverly Hills

Fitting into the right clothes can take more than adjusting your lifestyle to healthier diets and more habitual exercise. As with many types of liposuction and plastic surgery, procedures are done to reach that extra mile when all else fails or you are facing a point where nothing else is helping you to achieve your dream body. Thigh Lift is an ideal solution for anyone looking to refine and rejuvenate their contours, and thigh lifts can significantly improve the silhouette of the thigh and reduce the rubbing together of the inner thighs

Dr. Kapoor and Dr. Schlenker can help you remove lumpiness or irregular shapes of your thighs, helping you continue your healthier lifestyle and boost your self-confidence. We are known for providing top plastic surgery Beverly Hills has available with beautiful results.

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Thigh Liposuction Beverly Hills

Award Winning Surgeon
Award Winning Surgeon
Affordable Easy Financing
Affordable Easy Financing
Types of Thigh Lift Procedures and Techniques
Inner Thigh Lift
  • Targets excess skin in the inner thigh
  • Discreet incision is made at the junction of the thigh and pubic area
  • Doctors remove a wedge of skin/fat from the region
  • Remaining skin is tightened to provide improved leg contours
Mini Thigh Lift
  • Targets sagging tissue in the upper third of the leg
  • A short incision is made in the groin area
  • Produces minimal scaring and requires shorter recovery period
Bilateral Thigh Lift
  • Refers to as “outer thigh lift”
  • Targets skin on the front and outside of the leg
  • “V” shape incision is made at top of the leg where the lower edge of underwear would be
  • The incision may warp around the hips or buttocks depending on the patient’s needs
  • Targeted skin is removed and remaining skin is pulled up, attached and smoothened
  • An extra benefit is an assistance to the lifting of the buttocks
Medial Thigh Lift
  • Targets the excess skin and fat on the upper portion of the inner thigh
  • An incision is made in the groin and extends to the back of the crease of the buttock or hip region
  • Vertical scars may be extended down the legs for better access to underlying tissue
  • The doctors will lift the skin, remove excess skin and fat and tighten the thigh


Board Certified Plastic Surgeons


436 N Roxbury Dr #117,
Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA
(310) 385-9623 (phone)
(310) 385-8450 (fax)

Our cosmetic surgery office in Beverly Hills is eager to answer your questions and are here to assist you with scheduling your consultation.

Start enjoying renewed confidence and health today!





    Thigh Lift Overview

    What Is Thigh Lift?

    The surgical procedure for thigh lift, or thighplasty, involves the removal of excess skin, fat and tissue to tone and refine the upper legs. There are several different types of techniques used by Dr. Kapoor and Dr. Schlenker that allows specific procedures to be customized to fit your precise needs.

    Why Would You Want Thigh Lift?

    People can fluctuate in weight throughout their life and simply gain weight due to age or heredity. The upper arms can start to have a drooping appearance because of this and can benefit from an arm lift. The loose skin and fat harshly affects how people perceive themselves, and their confidence and self esteem may truly suffer no matter how healthy their diets are or how much they exercise. In severe cases, this condition may not be corrected any other way than through removal of the excess skin.

    Why Should You Get Thigh Lift?

    Thigh lift procedures are the perfect alternative to get firmer and more attractive upper legs when exercise and diet cannot reach your aspirated goal. If you struggle with uncontrollable loose and excess skin caused by weight loss or you healthy lifestyle has hit a plateau, thigh lift will help you maintain your exercise and diet regimen while providing complimentary confidence about your physique.

    What Are The Best Candidacy Qualifications For Thigh Lift?

    Dr. Kapoor and Dr. Schlenker will help patients who are in excellent health and within around 25 pounds of their ideal weight. They will treat those who have deposits of fat that have not responded to diets and exercise. Habitual smokers and heavy drinking should stop around 6 weeks prior to the planned procedure to assure a safe surgery and healthy recovery. They advise that candidates have positive outlooks and realistic expectations and a commitment to future healthy diets and exercise routine.

    How Will Recovery Go After Thigh Lift?

    Postoperative recovery will require plenty of rest and maintain of your incisions. Your incisions will be bandaged and have drains to prevent blood and fluid from the recovering incisions from accumulating. You will receive compression garments that will keep your incisions safe and in place. You will be prescribed painkillers and are recommended to have a friend or family member present to drive you home after the surgery. Most patients are able to return to their daily activities or return to work within at least a week or more depending on the healing process. You will need the help of pillows and your compression garment for a few weeks in order to ease the process and ensure quick fading of the scars. Make sure you regularly change your bandages.

    Contact Us
    436 N Roxbury Dr #117, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA Phone: (310) 385-9623
    Fax: (310) 385-8450

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