Preparing Your Bikini Body for Summer

Preparing bikini body for summer

Summertime has finally arrived and it’s time to pack up the sweaters and break out the sunscreen! But if you feel like your body isn’t in the best shape it could be, summer can be a time of missed opportunities at parties or the beach. If you’re ready to rock an amazing body this summer, read more about workout tips and getting a tummy tuck in Beverly Hills by the talented Dr. Kapoor!

When preparing your body for summer and the daunting task of being in a bikini for extended periods of time, most experts say to start working out at least one month before summer officially begins. But if you haven’t started yet, don’t worry! There are still effective ways to drop major pounds in a relatively quick manner.

Increase Your Weekly Workouts

The secret to dropping and keeping off weight is to increase your weekly workouts from 2-3 to 3-5. Interchange high-intensity workout days with strength training to maximize your results. Studies show that working out in the morning is a more effective time because your body does not have to burn through your daily calories and instead starts burning off the fat. The best way to tone your muscles is through full body workouts that engage muscle groups collectively instead of targeting individual areas. If you can work out 5 days a week, full body workouts should occupy 3 of those days. On the other 2 days, target those areas you are most concerned about. If you want a flat tummy, workouts that engage your abs and legs at the same time are considerably effective. High-intensity workouts that involve your full body and can make you sweat more than usual are great workouts to enlist when you’re looking to lose pounds or inches fast. Classes like hot yoga or spin use this method of heating the room to encourage excessive sweating.

In some cases, however, scarring, stretch marks or excess skin can accumulate on an abdomen and no amount of diet or exercise will help remove it. If your body is plagued by a large amount of excess skin around the abdomen, lower abdominal skin laxity, stretch marks or severely stretched stomach muscles, then a tummy tuck is the best option available to help you achieve a flat, firm abdomen. You can research a tummy tuck in Beverly Hills for expert care delivered by Dr. Kapoor and get the flat stomach you’ve dreamed of in time for bikini season!

Simplify Your Diet

You’ve heard the expression abs are made in the kitchen, so cleaning up your eating habits will help your workouts be even more effective. Simple protein like chicken is a great option that can be used to make a myriad of healthy recipes and can be added to salads full of veggies.

Vegetables of any kind can and should be eaten throughout the day if you feel hungry. Crunchy vegetables are effective foods to encourage weight loss since your jaw is working to chew them up and you feel fuller, faster. Increasing your daily amount of water intake not only helps to flush out your systems, but it is also a necessary adjustment your body needs when the weather gets warmer and your body gets dehydrated faster. Adding lemon or cucumber to your water will also help you digest foods quicker, leading to a higher metabolic rate.

Tummy Tuck in Beverly Hills

Adjusting your workout numbers, diet style and water intake are proven tasks that can effectively shrink and tone your belly and body fat. However, if you suffer from unwanted scarring, stretch marks or excess skin, a tummy tuck in Beverly Hills is an effective, lasting option that can help you achieve the flat stomach you’ll be excited to show off this summer. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Kapoor and his talented staff of doctors to see how this procedure could have you feeling confident again, all year long.

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436 N Roxbury Dr #117, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA Phone: (310) 385-9623
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