What You Should Expect with an Otoplasty

Becoming revitalized, refined, and rejuvenated is an amazing process of self-discovery that can lead to an internal confidence boost and an outward display of comfort like a ray of energy. One of the biggest areas of the face that patients often look to change as a part of their transformation process is the ears.

Everyone’s ears are unique. Just like eyes, fingers, and toes, ears display a unique part of your identity that can really show a lot about your appearance. Those who are interested in an otoplasty in Beverly Hills are good candidates for ear-related surgery that can help reshape and reform the entire look of the face.

But, what exactly should you expect during an otoplasty? What are the benefits and results of such a procedure? As a leading expert in plastic surgery, Dr. Kapoor and his staff of friendly professionals can help you get a more intimate view of this highly effective procedure. Check out what’s involved and schedule a consultation with us today to get started on your rejuvenation process!

What is an Otoplasty?

Otoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure designed around the reshaping and redefining of a person’s ears. The treatment is often recommended for those who:

  • Have disfigured ears
  • Have disproportionate ears
  • Have protruding ears

Sometimes, the way the ears are shaped can make a person feel self-conscious about their overall facial appearance. When something is asymmetrical, it tends to shift all other features out of alignment. Part of the work that Dr. Kapoor is passionate about is bringing your best features back into alignment with otoplasty in Beverly Hills, so you can appreciate the natural beauty that you have.

Who is a Good Candidate for Otoplasty?

Good candidates for otoplasty procedures are those who are in typically good health and who are unhappy with their misaligned ears. Those who have super noticeable ears or noticeable disfigurements are often recommended for this procedure.

If you have had a defect with your ears since birth, or due to a traumatic injury, then you’ve come to the right place. Dr. Vishal Kapoor can schedule a consultation with you to talk about your biggest needs and how to best solve your issues of self-confidence.

What Should be Expected Before and During the Otoplasty Procedure?

Our otoplasty in Beverly Hills is quite simple. However, it’s important to heed Dr. Kapoor’s preparation requirements. To best get ready for this treatment, you may need to stop taking certain medicines or supplements a few days before the process. You also shouldn’t smoke at least 6 weeks before surgery. You will be put under anesthesia during the procedure, so staying as healthy as possible beforehand is certainly recommended.

Dr. Kapoor will make incisions on the back side of the ear, and sometimes on the front folds if part of them is going to be removed. He will then remove excess cartilage, skin, and tissue. The surgery is expected to last up to two hours, and then sutures will be placed to help boost the healing process after the procedure.

What Should be Expected After the Otoplasty Procedure?

Your ears will be bandaged for the first few nights after your operation. It’s important to sleep with your head elevated at night. Try wearing a soft cloth or headband over the ears for a few weeks.

It’s normal to experience pain and discomfort following the procedure. If the pain prolongs, Dr. Kapoor can prescribe a medication to help ease the symptoms of pain. Try not to sleep on your sides and wear loose-fitting clothing so nothing drags over the ears when you put it on.

Our certified staff members are always available for a follow-up appointment or an emergency call. If you have any further questions or concerns, you are encouraged to address them with us at any time.

Learn More about undergoing an Otoplasty in Beverly Hills Today!

As a Board-Certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Vishal Kapoor understands your specific needs and wants to address how your ears can be changed to best match your desired look. This transformation process should be as effortless as possible, which is why our staff members are here for you. If you are looking for more information about otoplasty in Beverly Hills, or if you want to schedule a consultation right away, you can reach out to us online or give us a call at (310) 321-4710.

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436 N Roxbury Dr #117, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA Phone: (310) 385-9623
Fax: (310) 385-8450

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