Beauty Concept. Beautiful Female Brown Eyes

Frequently Asked Questions About Eyelid Surgery

1. What is a Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a surgical procedure to remove excess fat, skin and loose muscle from the upper and lower eyelids.

2. How is The Procedure Performed?

During a blepharoplasty, incisions are made within the natural creases of the eyelids or on the inside of the eyelids. The surgeon removes fat and excess skin, then closes the incision with very fine sutures. When scheduling a consultation, make sure to come prepared with any pertinent questions so Dr. Vishal Kapoor can answer them and alleviate concerns.

3. Is There Scarring with a Blepharoplasty?

As with any surgical procedure, some scarring is to be expected. However, scarring with blepharoplasty is minimal and practically nonexistent after several months of healing.

4. Who is a Good Candidate for a Blepharoplasty?

Fat and loose skin around the eyes usually appears with age, but some young people are genetically disposed to it, so there is no set age when blepharoplasty is performed.

5. Will a Blepharoplasty Remove Eye Wrinkles?

No. A blepharoplasty is not designed to remove the wrinkles at the outer corners of your eyes (crow’s feet) or to fix sagging brows. There are other procedures available that can be used to remove wrinkles near the eyes, including laser resurfacing and intense pulsed light treatments.

6. What Should I Expect After the Procedure?

After your surgery, your eyes will be tender, swollen, and sore, and you will probably have some bruising. These should all resolve in a few days. Discomfort can usually be controlled with pain medications prescribed by your surgeon. You may experience blurry vision for the first few days after your procedure, and your eyes may be watery or dry.

7. When Will I Be Able to See the Results?

You should be able to see a definite difference once the swelling goes down, but this won’t be for several days.

8. Can I Have Other Procedures Done at the Same Time as My Blepharoplasty?

Combining blepharoplasty with facial surgeries does not increase your recovery time. If, however, you have surgeries performed at different times, you can expect one or two weeks to receive from a facelift, a week for a brow lift and a week for eyelid surgery. If you’d like to combine other procedures at the same time as your blepharoplasty, we recommend complimenting with a forehead lift. This combination addresses sagging of the eyelids along with the eyebrows. It can also help reduce puffiness underneath the eyes, and smooth crow’s feet and forehead creases.

9. Are the Result of an Upper Blepharoplasty Permanent?

The skin or fat that is removed will be permanent. While most patients never have another surgery, some return for minor touch ups rather than redo of their procedure.

Schedule a Consultation

The success and safety of your procedure depends on your complete honesty during your consultation. Be sure to ask questions and make sure you know:

• What results to expect and what they mean

• The risks and benefits of the test or procedure

• What the possible side effects or complications are• When and where you are to have the procedure

• Who will do the procedure and what that person’s qualifications are• Any alternative procedures to think about

• When and how will you get the results

• Who to call after the test or procedure if you have questions or problems

• How much you will have to pay for the procedure

It’s very important to understand the full scope of your eyelid surgery. Here at Beverly Hills Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeons, we will discuss and review your treatment options to find the perfect fit for you and your desired results. Schedules a consultation with us today, and join our many satisfied patients.

Contact Us
436 N Roxbury Dr #117, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA Phone: (310) 385-9623
Fax: (310) 385-8450

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